Compliment Accepted.

Listen. Accept the freaking compliment. 

I’m guilty of it, I know most of us are. Someone gives us a compliment, and it’s honest - they mean what they say. And what do we do? We dodge it like we’re Neo in the Matrix, and just for good measure, we throw out our own self-deprecating response. Not following me? Here, let me give you an example. 

Your significant other tells you that you look good. What’s your typical response? Do you immediately tell them that you feel fat, or question why they’re even saying something nice? Do you wonder if they want something or even contemplate whether they are being sarcastic? 

What about your friends? 

Let’s imagine that your girlfriend tells you that she can see a major difference in your body, and congratulates you on whatever you’ve been doing.  To be honest, you have been eating better and working out, but instead of acknowledging the effort that you’ve been putting in, you respond with. “Ugggh, but my hips are still so big, I still have so much more to lose.” 

Like I said, I’ve been guilty of this. Rather than accept a friend’s kind words and observations, I negate their words and find a way to hate on myself.  

When this is my response, not only am I telling the people around me that I don’t see the value in their words, thoughts and opinions, I am also refusing to acknowledge the good that they see in me and saying that I don’t even see those things in myself. 

So, I challenge you. The next compliment that you receive, simply accept it. Believe it. Claim it. You don’t have to give some long diatribe or even think too deeply about the reason that someone gave it to you. Try a simple “thank you,” or even a “compliment accepted.” 

Lindsay Boulden