7 Things That You Should Learn to do... By Yourself!

I am a HUGE advocate for learning to enjoy being by yourself. I think the belief that you have to be with someone to be happy, is absolute crap. If you can enjoy your own company, then you won’t accept just anyone being in your life. 

I bet you money there is someone reading this right now, that has that one friend that is absolutely MISERABLE to be around.  But you still call them whenever you’re bored, or when you feel like you need someone to “go with you.” Let me tell you, you can enjoy the same experience by YOURSELF and have a much better time rather than calling someone that is just going to sh*t on your fun.

So, I challenge you to be brave enough to experience a few things on your own. To help you out, here’s a list of my Top 7 Things to Do Alone. (Don’t worry, I would never give you something I haven’t done myself)!

1. Take a Day/Road Trip: This is the perfect opportunity for some car karaoke, and to explore a nearby town. 

2. Hike..Run..Bike...: Just get outdoors.

3. Go to a Movie: My personal favorite. Nothing better than not having to share popcorn, and not needing to come to an agreement on what to see! 

4. Go Out for Coffee: I’m all about taking a good book, or people watching. 

5. Spa Day: As much as like going out and “Spaing” it up, this is something I can appreciate at home too. Give me some candles, some wine, some quiet and a hot bath and I am in Heaven. 

6. Sports Bar: If you’re a football or sports junkie (like me) then you can appreciate a Saturday/Sunday afternoon full of shouting at a few tv’s with a few equally excited strangers. 

7. Hit Up the Gym: I don’t like being bothered when I workout anyway. This is the perfect place to vibe out! 

Do you have anything that you can add to the list? If so, add them below! 

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